
Geraldton Four Wheel Drive Club

Come drive with us!



Wedge Island – 21st – 22nd January 2017

dsc02411Wedge Island Overnighter  – 21st Jan 2017 to 22nd Jan 2017

by Danielle Neil

Saturday 21st at around 1pm Cory and I met Brad and Leonie at the Puma Tarcoola (since some had to work) for our trip to Wedge Island. After the usual chin wag we headed off south, soon to discover that our 2 odd hour trip was going to take a little longer than planned with the near Cat 5 head on winds we experienced for the whole trip and might I say weekend.

At around 4pm we arrived at the shacks of Wedge and proceeded to head south in search of a sheltered location to set up camp. Having now luck on the south side of town we turned around and headed north and traveled through the tin shack community where we were greeted by a decent sized dune and a beautiful wide open flat beach, which living in Geraldton you don’t get to see very often. If it had been a calm day it would have been a spectacular spot to stop for a bit of fishing.

The beach started to narrow here so we headed on to an inland track to find a sheltered camp location. We took one track while Brad and Leonie took another and luck being on our side finally we found a large flat location to pitch our tents after only a short drive.

Having picked the perfect location with firewood already supplied we settled in for the evening and cracked a coldy. Not long after setting up the entertainment showed up in the form of 3 fourbys attempting one of the little dunes not too far away. As we watched their little adventure the 1st vehicle became bogged, the 2nd vehicle came to his rescue to only get stuck himself as the 3rd sat and took photos. Eventually they freed themselves and continued on and once again the place was ours. An entertaining evening was had by all as we talked and laughed into the night.

Sunday morning after packing up camp we headed back south to Wedge Island for a close up of the island only to find that tide was low enough to cross the sandbar to the island itself. We actually couldn’t go explore the island due to it being closed for the Fairy Turns breeding season until the 31st of March 2017 but the bay and reef looks like a prime location for snorkeling on a warmer day. Pelicans surfed the waves as Turns and Seagulls searched the shore, beautiful rock formations all around, it was lovely.

We exited the beach through the wedge shacks and aired up for our journey back home. On the return trip we called in and had a look at the Grey tin shacks. We traveled through the community to the beach and was greeted by a lovely little protected bay and 3 islands. Buller Island, Whittell Island and the Green Islands which are all Nature Reserves.

We left Grey and continued north to Cervantes where we went to Lake Thetis which formed approx 4800 years ago when the sea levels dropped. The lake is one of only a few places in the world with living marine stromatolites (Living Fossils) which have been dated at about 3370 years old.

From here we headed a little further down the gravel road and climbed the stairs to the top of Hansen Bay Lookout. There was a lovely view over the bays, township and Lake Thetis. From here we headed into town to the Lobster Shack where we sat down to have an enjoyable but very filling lunch. Once our belly’s were full we called it a day and headed home.

We will definitely be returning to the Wedge area again to explore further. Safe travels. Check out the pictures below!

The Geraldton Four Wheel Drive Club is one of Western Australia’s oldest 4WD Clubs
Established in April 1976

Our Four Wheel Drive club is well organised and provides Australia wide 4WD  trips plus social activities, 4WD education and an opportunity to get out there and see this great country.

Club meetings are held at 7.30pm on 2nd Wednesday of each month at The Residency 321 Marine Terrace Geraldton (at the back of it). Committee club meetings are held at 7pm each month.

Visitors are welcome at the club meetings and are encouraged to join us on at least one trip before joining. There are some exciting trips coming up!


Lucky Bay 5th – 6th November 2016

Trip report for the blog –  Lucky Bay 5-6th November

By Ruth (Trip Report) and Mathias Sehnke (Photos)

sunset2 cars, 5 people and a dog left Geraldton at 9.30, on a multi cultural adventure, 2 Pommes, a German, an Italian visitor and just the one Australian representative. (Ruth, Mathias, Anne, Mark and Serena) We drove to Port Gregory to pick up an ice cream  before stopping at Pink Lake which was putting an a magnificent Pink display for our Italian visitor, a bit of a Wikipedia briefing about the lake was shared..

We then headed into Lucky Bay, with some people forgetting to engage 4wd but having good enough driving skills that it didn’t matter… Lucky Bay on this weekend could claim to be a bigger township than Northampton, with everyone heading out of their winter hibernation. We found a little protected spot, set up camp and had some lunch.  The afternoon consisted of a dip in the ocean for those brave enough, walking and chilling. The swell behind the reef was quite amazing, causing water to gush over the reef making the Bay surge with water. Even the locals said they had never seen the water behaving this way before. The change in water behaviour caught a few people out and several debogging sessions occurred.   One of our members decided it was time to teach snatch strap recovery and I have to say us Europeans learnt a lot.

Sunday morning, some were out and about earlier than others… We were thankful we’d picked a camp spot a bit further from the ocean as the tide had come surprisingly high during the night, this could have made for an interesting evening.  Although our Italian visitor had some night time fun, having never slept in a swag before, she was keen to give it a try, but woke up at midnight a little freaked out, thinking she was trapped in a coffin.

It was more swimming, eating and chilling to fill the morning, with Jasper the dog having such an excellent time he was struggling to keep his eyes open when back at camp. The inevitable pack up was completed and we made our way off the beach before pumping up the tyres and heading to the bitumen for the trip home at 3pm. A good weekend was had by all. Check out the pictures of the trip!

Warriedar Winter Walkabout 5th-6th June 2016

Written By Jason Slade

Photography by Jason Slade Photography

Trip Leaders

Jason & Nicki Slade, Toyota Landcruiser 105 series

Trip Participants

Ian & Helen Harrison, Holden Colorado

Anne Dixon, Holden Rodeo

Brad Harrison, Holden Rodeo


We all met up on a wintery raining Saturday morning on Davies Rd a little after 0800.  Once we had all signed on we set off at 0830 for Warriedar Station via the old Rothsay Road seeing some of the local history along the way.  We made good time and after a brief stop in Mingenew we carried on down the road to Enanty Barn which was our planned smoko stop.  Enanty Barn is thought to have been built in the late 1800’s from local stone and bush timber.  The shepherd’s rooms to the rear seem to support the theory that the sheep were annually shepherded from far afield to be brought home full of fleece to be sheared hence the three sheep outlets in the front of the barn.  The barn was later used to sell fodder to the passing public (all traffic at the time used horses).  The barn provided the cover we required to make coffee and have a bite to eat.  Once replenished we were on the road again; travelling through Morawa and onto Perenjori where we had an extended fuelling stop.  By now it was looking up as the rain seemed to be behind us.

Once all vehicles were refuelled we cleared Perenjori and made our way to the old Rothsay Rd which is now a 4wd only track that branches off what is essentially the new Rothsay Rd.  The scrub had experienced a fair bit of regrowth since last we had driven it with the track narrow in places.   The old road that used to link the township of Perenjori with Rothsay winds its way eastward through mainly eucalypt woodland, but broken up by the occasional mulga.  Our first stop along the track was the Damperwah Experimental State Farm ruins.  The Damperwah Research Station was established in 1929 by the Department of Agriculture to experiment with growing different strains of wheat and was soon recognised as the advisory centre for the dry regions of the wheatbelt where new farms were being successfully developed in marginal rainfall regions.  The farm is situated on 10,600 acres 29 miles east of Perenjori and was officially opened on the 15th October 1929 though there had been preliminary trials conducted in 1928.  Annual field days were held at the farm for which the local school children were given a day off.  The Damperwah state farm closed c1940 and today you can see the ruins of three houses and their outhouses along with a literal forest of Century plants.

Having had a bite of lunch at the farm we get on the track again briefly before crossing Karara Rd and passing through the Vermin Proof Fence.  Not too much further we get back off the track and stop to have a look around an Old Sandalwood Cutter’s Hut that still stands (just).  By now the rain had started to return and by the time we reached our next stop at the John Forrest Lookout in the Damperwah Hills it was getting heavier.  The tracks too were getting really slippery, a testament to which is yours truly taking an exit stage left off the track into the scrub.  Nevertheless three of us braved the inclement conditions and climbed to the summit to take in….well not much really, what with the rain and all, visibility was cut right down.  Still got a fairly good view of the landscape that lay before us though.

John Forrest Lookout is named after the explorer Sir John Forrest who during an 1897 expedition established his survey mark on top the hill that today bears his name.  The lookout forms part of the Damperwah Hills which Forrest discovered and named during his 1869 search for explorer Ludwig Liechhardt.  The search failed to find Ludwig but Forrest did report that his compass had been affected by the minerals in the ground and he suggested to the government for geologists to be sent out and examine the area.  Quite fitting considering the discovery of gold and iron ore nearby.

After leaving the lookout we made our way into Rothsay and pull up at the old cemetery.  Rothsay is an old gold mining town that was set up in around 1896 after George Woodley became the first man to strike gold in the Perenjori District in 1894.  At the time the town had about 300 residents.  Following Woodley’s find most of the area was pegged and by 1897 many of the valuable claims had been acquired by the Glasgow Syndicate.  A company with a capital of 250,000 pounds was formed and its first operations led to the discovery of a gold seam approximately 200 feet long.  The gold; once extracted, was sent to Yalgoo for treatment and then transported to Perth.  However, the presence of copper in much of the ore caused difficulties in extraction and the mine was shut down in 1902.  In 1915 an option was taken out by Berwick, Moreing and Co, who dewatered and sampled the mine but relinquished the option in July 1915.  In 1918 is was acquired by the West Australia Development Syndicate who; over the next two years, sampled and investigated the metallurgical problems.  The mine got a second lease of life in the 1930s when a company financed by mining entrepreneur Claude de Bemales reopened the mine in 1935.  It operated productively for several years though water in the shaft caused problems and it was forced to close in 1939.  Today the main pit and mine area are still closed off to the public due to active mining leases on the site.

In the cemetery it is believed there are a total of five graves, of which only two are marked.  They are as follows:  R.E.R. Esbenson, child; W. McLoughlin, male; J.D. Mason, male 68 who fell down a shaft; C. Purchase, child and Alfred Chopin who passed in 1898 and whose large marble headstone still stands today.  The town itself suffered a setback in 1902 however in 1935, when the mining entrepreneur Claude de Bamales reopened the mine it experienced a second lease of life.  A new 45 mile road was put in between Perenjori and Rothsay and townsite lots were released for sale in January 1935.  Residents formed the Rothsay Progress Association and had tennis, football and cricket teams for their entertainment.  The town included numerous houses, a school, post office, stores, boarding houses, tennis courts and a recreational ground.  When the mine closed again in 1939, the town’s population slowly declined with the buildings falling into ruin.  Rothsay now only has the odd stone wall and the concrete pads of bygone buildings as a reminder of what this town once was.

With the rain still coming down we departed Rothsay and continued east eventually joining up with the Warriedar-Coppermine Rd.  We continued along the Warriedar-Coppermine Rd passing by Government Well, which was constructed sometime around 1825; and soon looming up ahead of us was the cloud shrouded distinct shape of Warriedar Hill.  Not too far from here we turned south onto the Warriedar Rd for short run to the station.  Upon crossing the airstrip we could see our first option for camp was taken with a caravan parked up at the stables.

Once across the creek we could see that in fact the entire homestead precinct was chocka-blok with campers.  As it turns out the Amalgamated Prospectors & Leaseholders Association had also decided the long weekend would be good to travel to Warriedar Station.  With no undercover options available to us, we decided to make camp out the back in the scrub.  With the rain tumbling down we circled the wagons and in a flurry of tarps we had camp setup and reasonably dry.  Ian did a head count and came back with 27 individual parties camped around the homestead.  We decided that maybe the next day’s activities may be put on the backburner due to the wet track conditions but would assess in the morning.  We all climbed into bed that night with the rain finally abated.


We awoke to a wet, overcast morning.  The rain had started up again earlier and was looking like setting in for the day.  I did offer to put on a rain dance to try and appease the gods and have it stop but the thought of me in a grass skirt kind of put this idea to bed.  We discussed the track situation again and came to the decision that it would be best to leave the exploring for another, drier, time and to head for the highway in case the rains intensified and we found ourselves stuck because of closed roads.  Adding weight to this decision was the fact Anne would not be able to spend another night folded into the front seat of her vehicle like an economy passenger on a dodgy budget airline.

After breakfast, in between showers, we broke camp and made our up to the homestead where we had a wander about and a look around.  From here we departed Warriedar Station and headed for the Great Northern Hwy passing through many floodways that were filling up fast.

Once out on the highway, Ian suggested we stop in at Ninghan Station for some smoko and also a chance for him to change his strides as by now they resembled the land over which we were travelling; wet and muddy.  On arrival into Ninghan and speaking to the manager we were informed smoko was going to cost us $3 each.  After handing over our hard earned we had smoko in the rain, used the loos and got back on the road again.

After stopping again briefly in Perenjori to use the facilities and to take some photos of the sorry state of our convoy, we carried on to Morawa for some lunch.  Once back on the road and closing in on Mingenew, Ian again gets on the radio and suggests a side trip into Coalseam (thankyou Ian for managing to salvage something from the weekend).  So we turn off and duck across to Coalseam where we take in the sights, everything lush and green; the wildflowers are going to be spectacular again this year.  It is from here we travel back to Geraldton with a brief stop at the wind farm to sign off before making our way individually home.





ANZAC Pinnacles Discovery Cervantes 22nd-25th April 2016

Written by Jason Slade

Photos by Jason Slade Photography


Trip Leaders:

Jason & Nicki Slade, Toyota Landcruiser 105 series

Trip Participants:

Ian & Helen Harrison, Holden Colorado

Laurie Shirley & Helen Reynolds, Nissan Navara

Dexter & Pauline Fowler, Toyota Landcruiser 100 series


Visitors (Sunday):

Peter Harrison along with his kids Joshua, Justin & Alisha and their dog Bella, Nissan Navara

Being it was a long weekend and we had a minimum night stay we departed Geraldton on Friday morning, giving us a full two days to explore the Cervantes region.  Due to prior arrangements Helen & Laurie and Pauline & Dexter were not able to join us until later in the day; so we were joined by Ian & Helen at Chicken Treat on the highway and departed for Cervantes just before 10am.

We travelled to Dongara where we had morning smoko at South Beach after visiting the bakery; and being nice people decided it was only right to help out the local economy and buy some of their goods.  Time kind of got away from us and before long we realised we had been sitting and chatting for a good couple of hours.  So it was time to get back on the road and continue on to Cervantes.  Upon check in at Cervantes we had our only bit of bad luck for the weekend when it was discovered Ian had picked up a screw and punctured a tyre on the caravan.  So once we had all checked in and found our camps, it was out with some gear and we had the tyre changed in no time.  By mid-afternoon we were joined by the other parties and were set for a great weekend of exploration.  That evening we witnessed one of the most spectacular sunsets.

Saturday morning dawned and I was up at a sparrow’s fart gathering camera equipment and heading for the beach to capture the sunrise and as a bonus the moon setting.  Once breakfast was done, we ducked off to the shops for a couple of supplies then back to the park entrance to await the others.  I was kind and changed the itinerary to give everyone an extra hour.  At around 0935 we rendezvoused at the park entrance and set off.  Our destination for the day was Black Peak; which is a rocky headland a few kilometres up the beach North from Cervantes.  To get to Black Peak, you have a choice of the beach (can only get around Black Peak at low tide) or an inland track.  As the tide was just starting to recede we opted for the inland track.  The first part of the track follows the boundary of the golf course and is the main track out to the waste water farm.  Just before the waste water farm we made a left turn onto the track to Black Peak and aired down.  The track in was quite tight and all vehicles got their fair share of pin striping.

Once out on the beach we were presented with a beautiful turquoise ocean.  We had the beach to ourselves with the only other people at the far northern end.  Time was taken to walk and explore and take photos.  Nicki, Pauline and Ian were brave enough to go for a swim.  After lunch and a few hours on the beach we packed up for the drive back to camp.  As the way in was so tight with very little wriggle room if another vehicle was encountered; it was decided to try to continue north to the Hill River estate.  The HEMA was consulted and a track was found that would serve us well.

All was going well until we hit a large dune complex where a slight wrong turn put us off the main track.  After a bit of driving around poking into various tracks to see if it was the right one we found what we were looking for and forged on through the heart of the dunes eventually coming out the other side onto the main track (I knew what I was doing all along).  It was a simple case then of following this track along the coast to a gravel car park near to where the Hill River track starts.  Once back on the bitumen in Hill River estate we aired up and continued onto camp.  That evening we gathered in the camp kitchen for a BBQ dinner where much banter and laughter ensued.

Sunday morning started much like Saturday, with me up and about down the beach capturing the sunrise and the local birdlife (feathered variety).  We met again at the park entrance and again I had extended the itinerary to give people extra time.  This morning we were joined by Ian & Helen’s son; Peter, his kids and their dog, who had driven down from Perth.  We started the day off taking a drive around Cervantes stopping at Thirsty Point where a couple of us went up on the lookout for photos.  From here we travelled to Lake Thetis to have a look at the stromatolites.  By now the kids were pretty keen for some 4wding so we left Lake Thetis and made our way to the Hill River estate; where after airing down continued on to the gravel car park where we finished up the day before.  It was here we had smoko, before tackling the track into Hill River.  The track despite all reports was quite easy and straight forward (a little disappointing actually).

Once we cleared the dunes we emerged alongside the river and drove between it and the ocean before pulling up onto the beach at the mouth.  A couple of hours was spent beachcombing, photography, swimming (Pauline, Ian & Bella) and the kids went fishing (very successfully too with a couple of nice sized whiting being caught).  After lunch we packed up and made our way to Molah Hill lookout.  Molah Hill lookout has commanding views over the coast from Jurien Bay to Cervantes and further east towards Badgingarra.  After departing Molah Hill it was back to camp to get what was needed for the night’s dinner, say farewell to Peter and the kids and to pick up Laurie & Helen who had opted to stay in camp for the day as their son was visiting.  Once we were set we made our way to the Pinnacles.

After a stroll through the discovery centre and gift shop we joined the queue and proceeded on the loop circuit around the Pinnacles Desert.  Here we spent a good couple of hours driving, walking, taking photos and marvelling at the landscape before us.  Once the sun was almost in the ocean, we made our way over to Hangover Bay where we once again shared a BBQ dinner with plenty of banter and laughter.

ANZAC Day dawned wet and dreary.  It had been raining for most of the night and had only let up just before dawn.  We gathered together (Laurie and I gonged up) and walked to the Cervantes Dawn Service being conducted in the Memorial Park adjacent to the caravan park.  The service was beautiful (as they usually are in small towns) with the local school children taking a leading role in conducting the ceremony.  It was estimated that 400+ attended and was the largest they have had in Cervantes to date.  At the end of the service a handful of local pilots conducted a flyover with their small aircraft just to add a bit more local flavour to a touching service.

We all left the service again with a heartfelt thanks to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, to those who have served and those currently serving to preserve our freedom.  No sooner were we back at camp enjoying a BBQ bacon and egg breakfast did the heavens open up and the rain continued.  Once the rain had abated it was a quick pack up before it returned and then on the road for home.

Some more mystery trip photos (Wandina Station)

Here are some more fantastic photos of Wandina Station and surrounds by Jason Slade.

Geraldton Four Wheel Drive Mystery Trip! Celebrating 40 years as a club!! 9th & 10th April 2016

40th Anniversary Mystery Tour

Trip Report by our President: Leonie Courtney

Saturday 9th April saw 13 vehicles with 19 people meet at Davies Road behind Rovers Football Club for the start of our Mystery trip. Very few knew where they were headed but put their faith in Des who led them out via Mullewa to Wandina Station, where the group ended up setting camping by the banks of Drovers Pool. This place (which used to be known as Bangemall Creek) was a favourite spot for the 4WD club to camp out at in the days before Tallering Peak was mined.

Once camp was set up, the group ventured out to explore the area, crossing the sandy Greenough River and visiting waterholes along the way.

Back at camp, the final couple arrived in time to light the campfire and catch up. Some former club members were on the trip, including one 93 year old who still enjoys getting off the beaten track! After dinner (boy did those camp ovens cook up a storm), it was time for some Celebration Cake and  entertainment by our resident didgeridoo player Tony whilst sitting underneath a million stars on what turned out to be a most tranquil, clear skied night!

Up bright and early the next morning, the group were treated to bacon and egg sandwiches before heading out again to explore Tallering Gorge. This beautiful spot can be driven into as well as around the top, providing some great photo opportunities.

Once the group had finished touring, they headed for home, with the final members arriving back in Geraldton  around 3.30pm Sunday afternoon, having travelled about 450km for the weekend.

The Geraldton Four Wheel Drive Club is one of Western Australia’s oldest 4WD Clubs
Established in April 1976

Offers well organised Australia wide 4WD trips plus social activities, 4WD education
and an opportunity to get out there and see this great country.

Club meetings are held at 7.30pm on 2nd Wednesday of each month at

The Residency 321 Marine Terrace Geraldton.

Visitors are welcome at the club meetings and are encouraged to join us on at least one trip before joining.


If you want to check out our Geraldton Four Wheel Drive website go here:

Geraldton Four Wheel Drive website

Heaps of new trips for the upcoming year.

Nanga and Shark Bay

Trip Report by Pauline – please submit trip reports and photos to Jenny. 

25 – 28 March (Easter) – Nanga and Shark Bay. Trip Leaders Dexter and Pauline .    Everyone made their own way to Nanga, some on Thursday and some on Friday. 18 people in 11 vehicles made the trip. Saturday 8 vehicles met at the Little Lagoon car park at 9.30 and followed Dexter on the track to Dubois Creek which included 5 steep but firm sandhills and biruda crossings. The decision to go down the cliff to Dubois creek was a wise one as the track was seriously eroded making getting up it almost impossible. Made our way around the creek on the track which was sometimes at an uncomfortable angle and sometimes very sandy but we finally made it on to the beach. The run along the beach had its tricky moments but we finally arrived at a nice swimming spot for lunch. By then the wind and clouds had come up and Pauline was the only one who enjoyed a swim. Another stop was made at an old shell block quarry before we exited the beach opposite Goulet Bluff and arrived back at Nanga approx. 4 pm.

Sunday – 2 vehicles left early and followed Dexter to an artesian bore which was capped off but a trough had been installed for watering the animals. Took photos of Dad emu with his 10 chicks and zebra finches coming to the water. Then looked at an old shearing shed before meeting up with everyone else at the Little Lagoon Car Park at 9.30am. After paying the National Park entry fee and letting air out of tyres to 20psi our convoy of 11 vehicles drove off along the track to Cape Peron. Made a brief stop at Kraskers tank where in 1916 the one legged pearl buyer, Krasker, fell off his horse and broke his good leg. He died of thirst trying to reach this tank. Dexter tried the track to Cattle Well but after getting bogged on the beach decided that the rest should keep going to Gregories. The main track was so rough and sandy that a few of our group got bogged. A brief stop at Gregories then on to Bottle Bay where we drove down onto the very soft sandy beach for a lunch stop and a swim for some. Then on to the tip of the Peron Peninsula for a walk and photos of the spectacular colours of red cliffs, red sand hills white sand beach and blue water. Next stop was the lookout at Skipjack Point. Saw some Eagle rays, a shark and fish in the water. Back along the atrocious sandy, rough track to the Peron homestead where tyres were inflated. Some went for a soak in the artesian very hot tub to ease the tensions of a very tiring rough day while others headed into Denham then back to Nanga. We all slept well that night.

Monday was a leisurely pack up and drive home to Geraldton.

Photos taken by Jason Slade


Wagoe Beach 5,6,7th March 2016

Wagoe Trip March 5-7 2016 Trip Report by Brad.

3 vehicles left 440 Roadhouse just after 9am on Saturday morning and arrived at Wagoe Chalets after a comfortable drive. Des and Jan joined us with their motor home not long after we had set up. After having lunch we were joined by Ruth and Mathias who popped up a day trip.

We then went off on a visit to some of the coastal gorges via an dirt track, which brought us to Island Rock and Natural Bridge. By then the call of icecreams lured us into Kalbarri, where we had a paddle in the river before grabbing fish and chips for dinner!

After returning to camp, we sat around the camp kitchen for a night of chatting and laughter.

Sunday brought a mixed activity morning, with the boys heading down the beach to explore and try their hand at fishing whilst some of the ladies headed back into Kalbarri for a swim and a paddle on the river(and more icecream!)

Everyone came together for lunch  before some needed  a nana nap. We then gathered in the camp kitchen for nibbles and a bring and share BBQ. It was another night filled with much laughter and hilarity.

Monday morning brought the strongest winds and most flies so we were packed and on the road by mid morning.

A most relaxing and laughter filled weekend was had by all.

Here are some photos taken by Anne.

Lucky Bay 7th February 2016

Sunday 7 Feb there was a day run to Lucky Bay with Pauline and Dexter being the Trip Leaders.

Four Wheel Drivers came along and enjoyed a relaxing day beach driving to the Lucky Bay lagoon , swimming  and lazing on the beach.

We brought goggles, snorkels and kayaks and had a picnic lunch.

We met at the 440 roadhouse at 8.30 am

Here are some photos – thanks to Anne, Elsa and Dexter for their contributions. Please send Trip reports and pictures to Jenny Kessell to add to our 4WD Blog.

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